Njadema (Fort Lamy for french people) 1975
I arrived there for a mission in Chad : evaluate the risk of the rising rebelion in the north of the country. Military risk but also political in that country where France was still very present, almost at home.
Some days later, I moved to Abeche with my squad of specialists, and settled in a military controlled zone, but sufficiently away from the local command which was not to be concerned by our activities. A lieutnant giving rebufs or orders to a colonel, was somewhat something not really appreciated in the high spheres, even if I had the right to do so by the same high spheres. Stupidity lay everywhere !
Two days later, we were at work, meeting people, making acquaintance with some, discussing with others. No exclusion, market, church, mosque, hospital, shops ; civilians, militaries (french or locals), police, shop keepers, citizens or rurals, mainly men as with women a discussion was very problematic in a muslim country (BTW no comparison possible with what exists now in 2015) just someting social. The only real and useful females contacts we built was with Agnes and her daughter, not with the ambassador ‘s or diplomats wives.
They were just practicing the honourable job of whores ! Therefore in contact with many peoples. I never fucked any of them, nor any of my guys (I think), but two or three times a week, one of us went to meet one of them, retrieving the latest news that dropped in their hears.
Here, necessary to say who they were : Agnès was previously a nun in Katanga (previously in belgian Congo), she had been raped several time during incidents in Jadotville and left alive while several of the other sisters were murdered. Pregnant, she gave birth to Marie, but cut from her religious order, leaving Congo for Chad where she educated her daughter while working as both prostitute and nurse. Marie started in the « profession » when she was 14. A scandal ? Most of their earning was used to help poor people and they were respected because of it.
What we learnt through them helped to avoid nasty operations planned in Biltine and Mongo by the rebels who returned to the Aouzou area in the north of the country after failure. I was recalled to Paris in spring 1976, when back, I strongly suggested to my « high sphere » to recruit Marie and also Agnès (if possible).
I write this short recollection, because Marie sent me today an e-mail informing of her mother’s death. Yooki and me will make the trip to Paris next monday. Respect is due!